Class Sign-Up
Our next in-person class sign-up will be Monday, September 16 from 6:30 to 8 PM
In-Person Class Sign-Up Night
Prior to the start of each class session, we hold an in-person sign-up at the CKC building. Club personnel will be available to help you select the best classes for your dog and you. You can print and complete the liability waiver and left side of the class registration form available here and our COVID-19 waiver here. Copies will also be available for you to complete at sign-up. Please be sure to bring proof of vaccinations. Payment can be made via cash, check, or debit/credit card.
We ask that you please leave your dogs at home.
Sign Up Via Email
Email Fran, and let her know in which classes you would like to enroll. You can download and complete the liability waiver and left side of the class registration form available here and our COVID-19 waiver here. Include the completed registration form, signed liability and COVID-19 waivers, and proof of vaccinations with your email. Fran will discuss payment options with you once she places you in a class.
Sign Up Via Postal Mail
Print and complete the liability waiver and left side of the class registration form available here and our COVID-19 waiver here. Please be sure to indicate in which classes you would like to enroll. Mail these along with your proof of vaccinations and check payable to Cudahy Kennel Club to:
Fran Aring
2629 Wentworth Ave.
Milwaukee, WI 53207
Returning Students
Current students returning to a class with the same instructor need to let your instructor know by the last week of class that you plan on continuing with them. Payment can be brought to the last class of the current session or the first class of the next session.
Proof of vaccinations must be provided before beginning any class.
Prior to the start of each class session, we hold an in-person sign-up at the CKC building. Club personnel will be available to help you select the best classes for your dog and you. You can print and complete the liability waiver and left side of the class registration form available here and our COVID-19 waiver here. Copies will also be available for you to complete at sign-up. Please be sure to bring proof of vaccinations. Payment can be made via cash, check, or debit/credit card.
We ask that you please leave your dogs at home.
Sign Up Via Email
Email Fran, and let her know in which classes you would like to enroll. You can download and complete the liability waiver and left side of the class registration form available here and our COVID-19 waiver here. Include the completed registration form, signed liability and COVID-19 waivers, and proof of vaccinations with your email. Fran will discuss payment options with you once she places you in a class.
Sign Up Via Postal Mail
Print and complete the liability waiver and left side of the class registration form available here and our COVID-19 waiver here. Please be sure to indicate in which classes you would like to enroll. Mail these along with your proof of vaccinations and check payable to Cudahy Kennel Club to:
Fran Aring
2629 Wentworth Ave.
Milwaukee, WI 53207
Returning Students
Current students returning to a class with the same instructor need to let your instructor know by the last week of class that you plan on continuing with them. Payment can be brought to the last class of the current session or the first class of the next session.
Proof of vaccinations must be provided before beginning any class.